Evaluation von LITMUS-Satzwiederholungsverfahren für die sprachdiagnostische Praxis (EVA-SRT)
Due to the paucity of appropriate assessment tools for bilingual populations in Germany, bilingual children are frequently misdiagnosed with developmental language disorder (DLD). A set of cross-linguistic diagnostic tools known as the LITMUS tools (Language Impairment Testing in Multilingual Settings) were developed and probed for many languages. Sentence repetition, which assesses morphosyntax, proved to be particularly successful in disentangling typical from atypical language development in bilingual children. The project „Evaluation von LITMUS-Satzwiederholungsverfahren für die sprachdiagnostische Praxis (EVA-SRT)“ focuses on the prospective implementation of the German LITMUS-sentence repetition task (Hamann, Chilla, Ruigendijk & Abed Ibrahim, 2013; DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/8KB4N) as a screening tool for DLD in bilingual children acquiring German as a societal language. The high diagnostic accuracy of the German LITMUS-SRT has been replicated in multiple studies controlling for diverse variables related to bilingualism. In This project, the task will be shortened and validated so that it can employed for language screening purposes in educational and clinical settings.
- Stichworte
- Sentence repetition tasks, school-entry examination, language screening in multilingual contexts, Developmental Language Disorder
- Laufzeit
- 15.11.2024 - 15.08.2025
- Institution der EUF
- Institut für Sonderpädagogik
Lina Abed Ibrahim
- Telefon
- +49 461 805 2653
@uni-flensburg.de - Gebäude
- Gebäude Helsinki
- Raum
- HEL 201
- Straße
- Auf dem Campus 1a
- PLZ / Stadt
- 24943 Flensburg
Prof. Dr. phil.Solveig Chilla
- Telefon
- +49 461 805 2676
@uni-flensburg.de - Gebäude
- Gebäude Helsinki
- Raum
- HEL 202
- Straße
- Auf dem Campus 1a
- PLZ / Stadt
- 24943 Flensburg
Zentrum für Bildungs-, Unterrichts-, Schul- und Sozialisationsforschung (ZeBUSS)