Information for Prospective Students

On this page, we offer a comprehensive overview of our various degree programs, admission requirements, application procedures and much more. Whether you have just graduated from high school or already have a professional background and are looking for a new direction - here you will find all the relevant information you need to make your choice of course. We invite you to discover our wide range of offers and are always available to answer your questions and support you on your path to studying special education.

Europa-Universität Flensburg offers three degree programs for the teaching profession in special education:

If you would like to become a special needs teacher on the regular path, enrol for the B.A. Educational Sciences with open admission and choose the special needs education sub-course in addition to a teaching subject. This is the prerequisite for changing to the M.Ed. in Special Education later on. When you apply, you choose two of the following four special education specializations:

In addition to the undergraduate course, people from related disciplines (e.g. social pedagogy, curative education) who already have professional experience can gain further qualifications as special needs teachers via the Dual Master's degree program.

Why study Special Education?

Special education is characterized by diverse and exciting fields of work that support people with impairments or disabilities in their learning and development processes.

The university, the AStA, the Unistarter and the individual student councils offer various activities (e.g. various sports courses, barbecues, games and study evenings, student parties) to create a balance between studies and free time and to get to know fellow students. The latest information can be found on the respective Instagram channels:


On the Europa-Universität Flensburg YouTube channel you can find further impressions of everyday life on campus, the various degree courses and life in Flensburg.

Further Information


There are fall and spring semesters at Europa-Universität Flensburg. The fall semester begins on September 1 and ends on February 28 of the following year. The spring semester starts on March 1 and ends on August 31.

All dates, e.g. exam and lecture-free periods, can be found on the central university website.

Various dormitories of the Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein are available directly on campus. You can apply for a place in a dormitory via the Studentenwerk website. The university is also easy to reach by bike and bus from anywhere in Flensburg.

There are various ways to finance your studies. An overview of some financing options can be found here.

General information is summarized on the pages of the respective institutes. An overview of all seminars and lectures that must be taken in a degree program can be found in the module catalog.  

The current dates of the upcoming introductory session will be published here. Dates and events will also be posted on social networks (Instagram, etc.) during the orientation week.

The university has its own fitness centre on campus. There is also a wide range of different sports courses on offer. Further information on the sports programme can be found here. Various events are published on the university's homepage.

The semester ticket must be ordered each semester via the NAH.SH website. There is a digital ticket or a paper ticket. Further information on the semester ticket can be found on the AStA website.

We are committed to equal opportunities at the university. Students with a disability can find further information here. Information on the topic of compensation for disadvantages can be found here.

We see ourselves as a family-friendly university and support parents and parents-to-be in their everyday life on campus. Further information can be found here.

The student council can be reached by email at or via Instagram @fv_sopaed_euf.

Here you can find all documents, e.g. exam and study regulations or module catalogues, for the various degree programmes at Europa-Universität Flensburg.

Yes, Europa-Universität Flensburg promotes student mobility and offers the opportunity to study abroad. Further information can be found here.

The best time to get to know your fellow students is during the orientation week. Various activities are offered during this week, giving you plenty of time to socialise and get to know each other. Attending seminars and lectures, a lunch break in the cafeteria or university sports will also help you make new friends.

The general dates of the orientation week can be found here. Further information about the orientation week can be found on the Instagram channel of the Special Education Student Council (@fv_sopaed_euf).

Contact persons and advisory services

The Student Guidance and Counseling Service (ZSB) will be happy to advise you on general questions about choosing a course of study and during your studies. If you have specific questions about the Special Education degree program, please contact Dr. Bernd Hansen.

Study counsellor for the Institute of Special Education

+49 461 805 2673
Gebäude Helsinki
HEL 201
Auf dem Campus
Post code / City
24943 Flensburg
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