Graduate Center News

Scholarship Program of the Daimler and Benz Foundation for the Promotion of Postdocs and Junior Professors

Stipendien zur Förderung von Postdoktorand*innen und Juniorprofessor*innen

With this program, the Foundation sets out to reinforce the autonomy of the next generation of academics. The Foundation wishes to support the careers of committed young academics after earning their doctorates.
Its scholarship program therefore specifically focuses on the point in an academic career when a certain degree of autonomy in research has already been achieved, but postdocs normally do not yet hold a permanent position. The funding program is open to applicants from all disciplines (humanities, social and cultural sciences, natural and engineering sciences, medicine and life sciences) and is not restricted in terms of content.
Applicants must be conducting a research project of their own and must be institutionally affiliated with a scientific institution in Germany or with a German scientific institution abroad.

Applications, in German or English, must be complete (including the confidential letters of recommendation) and must be received via the online application portal (www.daimler benz by October 1, 2024 (11:59 p.m.)