Alle Termine des Forschungskalenders

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Designs of Tomorrow: Indigenous Futurities in Literature and Culture

HEL 160

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When we are in the throes of major crises, from the global pandemic to a pending climate apocalypse, thinking about a different tomorrow may feel impossible. Designing alternative futures has become one of the central cultural tasks of the twenty-first century, and Indigenous North American writers, film makers, game designers, visual artists, and web developers are at the forefront of this movement.

As an international conference, "Designs of Tomorrow" brings together Indigenous and non-Indigenous scholars from Canada, Europe, and the United States on the EUF campus to explore representations of a coming world in Indigenous literatures, arts, museums, and digital media.

Within the framework of our DFG-project "Knowing Tomorrow: Twenty-First Century Native North American Archives of Futurity", we will explore the subversive potential of ‘other futures,’ alternative versions of tomorrow that may serve as exemplary sites of empowering cultural diversity and non-Western systems of knowledge in the interest of economic, ecological, and social sustainability.

More Information


HEL 160
Europa-Universität Flensburg
Gebäude Helsinki
Auf dem Campus 1a
24943 Flensburg


DFG-Projekt “Knowing Tomorrow/Wissen (über) Morgen”
Prof. Dr. Birgit Däwes und Kristina Baudemann